Putting it to practice
Over the years, we have taught & certified thousands of students, like yourself, wishing to learn proper lifting techniques and get better results in the gym.
We've gotten marvelous feedback and is the highest rated fitness course in the industry.
But there is one missing link...
Students routinely ask me after graduating:
"How do I consolidate everything I've learnt into a workout session?"
"How do I know what is the right intensity I should be training myself at?"
"When weights become heavy how do I prevent my form from breaking down?"
All legitimate concerns, and ones we cannot address during a teaching course.
Therefore, we've created a workout session, for you to experience a 'proper' strength training session.
And we call it "Putting It To Practice".
During this session, you'll be working with another student to correct each others' technique. That way, you also get a firsthand experience of guiding someone through a workout. A master instructor will oversee the session.
Each session lasts about an hour and you get to choose between chest/back/triceps/core or legs/shoulder/biceps/core workouts.
One session, maximum 2, is all you need to solidify what you've learnt during the CPT course.
The price for each session is $99.
Slots are limited. You will be presented the option to sign up after you complete the CPT practical workshop.
P.S. This session is strictly for NCSF CPT graduates.